Prayers, Song & Haka

St John’s College School Prayer in Te Reo
(Translated by Tawera Marsh, class of 2021)

I hui ai tātou, i runga i te aroha o te atua,
Nau mai whakatau mai tō wairua
tō mōhio, tō kaha, tō mākoha me te rangimarie ki runga I a tātou.
Arihia I a tātou
Kia āwhinatia mai I a tātou kia tū ai tā tātou kura nei
Kia pono to tātou kura ki te huarahi Katorika
Kia pono atu ki te wairua o te whānau
Kia nui aroha ki te mahi ahakoa te aha
Kia tautoko tātou I a tātou anō
Kia manaakitia ērā e kanukanu ana
Kia pono hoki te ngākau
Ki te whai i te āhua ā Mere

Inoi atu I runga I te ingoa o Jesus
I runga hoki ngā karakia o Mere
o Te Aporo Hoani
o Marcellin te Champagnat
o ngā Hato katoa- Amin

E Mere inoi mai
E Hoani inoi mai
E Marcellin inoi mai

St John’s College School Prayer in English

Loving God, we gather in your name,
And ask that your Spirit be with us-
A Spirit of wisdom and courage, of gentleness and peace.

Be with us in all that we do
And help us to make St John’s College
A truly Catholic and Marist educational community,
Living in family spirit,
Promoting the love of work.
Being present to one-another,
Showing solidarity with those in need,
Doing everything in a spirit of simplicity-
And in the way of Mary.
We make this prayer in Jesus’ name,
And through the intercession of Mary our Good Mother,
John the Apostle,
Marcellin Champagnat
And of all the saints – Amen.
Mary our Good Mother – pray for us.
St John the Apostle – pray for us
Saint Marcellin Champagnat – pray for us

College Song

Caritas Christi Urget Nos
On eagle’s wings we fly
Caritas Christi Urget Nos
To hold our heads up high

St John’s upon the hilltop
Christ’s cross above its door
We’ll follow in His footsteps
St John’s for evermore

Follow Chanel Martyr for the Truth
Marcellin Guide of Youth
Pompallier the Prince of Zeal
Roncalli Man of Peace

St John’s upon the hilltop
Christ’s cross above its door
We’ll follow in His footsteps
St John’s for evermore

For truth and learning we achieve
In prayer and manliness;
And God’s own Hand will guide us on
To heavenly happiness

St John’s upon the hilltop
Christ’s cross above its door
We’ll follow in His footsteps
St John’s for evermore

Caritas Christi Urget Nos
Saint John’s will us inspire
Gold, white and blue will keep us true
Our Guiding Star to be.

St John’s upon the hilltop
Christ’s cross above its door
We’ll follow in His footsteps
St John’s for evermore

Hato Hoani Haka

Kia hiwa ra, Ka hiwa ra
He ope whakapono kei te heke mai
Kia tū, Kia oho
Kia Mataara!

Ko wai rā, Ko wai rā
Waikato taniwha rau e ngunguru nei
He piko he taniwha e, He piko he taniwha e 

Ko wai rā te tangata?
Hato Hoani 

Whakahuatia ake
Ēkara piki ake kake ake
rere atu ki toku maunga rangatira

Tāna huarahi i te pono, te tika, te hāhi

Ahakoa kia tūpato!
Kia tūpato rā
He kōtahi nō Hato Hoani ka ripo te moana e Iahaha

Hato Hoani
Mō ake, ake tonu atu e Hi

St John’s College Haka

Be alert!
The faithful approaches

I ask who we are
Waikato of many chiefs
At every bend a chief

Who is our founder?
St John

Pronounce who we are
the Eagle that soars to the peak of our chiefly mountain

We tread his path he laid for us in truth,
righteousness and the Catholic faith

Despite this I warn you
Be very warned
It only takes one from Hato Hoani to ripple the ocean

St John
For ever more