Together, we can make make our boys’ time at St John’s memorable 

The St John’s College PTFA is a multi-talented, fun-loving group of past and present parents who meet on a monthly basis to support activities associated with the College.

The PTFA's aims are to:

  • Strengthen community spirit
  • Support the College through informing parents of school related issues and curriculum developments
  • Help in raising funds to provide improved facilities and other curriculum “extras” for our boys
  • Provide practical support through catering and hosting school events
  • Bring any parents’ concerns to the attention of the Board of Trustees

Involvements in the College and community include:

  • Catering for Report Evenings, Silent Art Auction and Music Evenings
  • Coordinating Johnnies Angels meals service to families in crisis
  • Presenting parental concerns to the Board of Trustees 
  • Small fundraising ventures
  • Providing feedback on the Strategic Plan and other College issues
  • Making funds available for extra-curricular needs
  • Co-ordinating the Year 13 Leavers' Dinner

Fundraising is not the central focus of this PTFA as we feel it is more about being part of a community and lending a helping hand when and where it is needed.


Membership is open to any parents willing to give of their time and energy and a great way to meet other interested parents. If you cannot commit but would love to help out occasionally, please ask to have your name placed on our supporters’ list so that we can contact you. You can also have the minutes of our meetings emailed or posted out to you – just let us know.

If you would like further information, please email [email protected] or phone the College office on (07) 856 7091.