Getting off to a great start at a new school is the aim of every student and their parents. Our orientation and induction programmes give boys many opportunities to meet and form friendships with their peers and with older students, to learn about the traditions and values of St John's, and to establish a sense of belonging.
Yr 8 Interviews - Once enrolments are confirmed, parents and students are invited to meet with senior staff for an individual interview.
Yr 8 Orientation - In November or early December, all incoming students attend an Orientation Day here at the College.
Yr 9 Pōwhiri and Induction - Yr 9s start two days before the rest of our students so they can have the College to themselves. A pōwhiri welcomes all students and their whānau to our St John's community. A range of activities follow, including learning the haka and College song, finding their way around the school, meeting their tuakana (Yr 12 'older brothers') and Yr 9 Dean, getting student IDs and timetables sorted, along with plenty of fun activities.
Yr 9 Marae Trip - A half day trip to Hukanui Marae where boys are hosted by the students in our whānau classes. Boys experience Te Ao Māori through tikanga, mau rākau and games.
See our Student Support pages to learn more about the support available for students.