There are plenty of bus connection options from home to school. There are three bus services that travel to, or near, St John’s.
Buses leaving the school towards the City centre depot can be busy in the afternoon but there are enough services to cater for our students. Students are to line up at the head of the bus stop.
For more information about buses, visit
2024/2025 Pirongia bus route map update
2024/2025 Whatawhata bus route map update
2024/2025 Gordonton bus route update
2024/2025 Te Aroha bus route update
Please follow this link to see the school bus link map:
Bus Stops on Rural Routes
Bus stops on the designated rural routes vary at the start of every year, being at the discretion of the bus driver. He/She will select the place the bus stops on the basis of where it is safe to pick up students - and the number of students to be picked up from one place. If you have to transport your son to the bus stop depending on the criteria from the Ministry you may be entitled to a Conveyance Allowance.
So the best advice for new students who want to catch a rural bus at the start of the year, is to stand on the bus route between 7.30am and 8.30am (depending on the distance to school), in a safe place where the bus can pull over, wearing your St John's College uniform. The uniform is the student's ticket to ride on the St John's College rural bus services.
No form is required to be filled out unless your son has to be transported a certain distance to the bus stop. In that case, Conveyance Allowance forms can be found here
For a student to receive Ministry transport services, they need to meet all of the Ministry’s transport eligibility criteria. This means:
See the Ministry of Education website for more details on financial assistance.
If you have any queries, please email our bus controller Steve Wood at [email protected]
Helmets must be worn when cycling. Students are to obey the Road Code and have a safe bicycle. Bicycles are to be walked in the College grounds and parked in the lock-up area by the hockey turf. This area is locked at 9am and reopened at 3.00pm. We recommend that students lock their own bikes in this area, and the College takes no responsibility for any loss or damage to bikes parked on site.
Students require written permission from their parent/caregiver to travel to and from College by car or scooter. Forms are available from Student Services. There are no parking areas for student cars on the College campus. Scooters must enter via Helena Rd, observe the sped limit and use the designated park beside the Property Sheds. The College accepts no responsibility for any damage, loss or use of your vehicle.