College charges and donation requests are applied to accounts at the beginning of the year. Sports fees and trips will be added to your account throughout the year. We will send out statements of accounts to anyone with a balance on a monthly basis to keep you updated on your account. We welcome automatic or regular payments and have a number of payment options available. We ask that all charges are cleared by 31 October of each year.
Parent Portal - this is the best place to view charges and make payments online with a credit/debit card.
Internet Banking - to Account 12-3122-0295197-000 Reference: Student initial and surname; Student ID; purpose EG JSmith 20145 Rugby
Eftpos at Office - Eftpos or cash payments can be made at the Office.
Cash Payments - Students can drop cash payments at the Office. Please send in an envelope clearly marked with Student Name, Amount and Purpose.
If you provide a specific reference for your payment, then we apply your payment against that charge.
If it is unspecified (or the reference doesn't tally with your charges) then we apply your payments against any outstanding subject and extra-curricular charges on your account. If there are no outstanding charges, then we apply your payment against our Learning Contribution Request, and then against our Building Contribution request.
We recommend you use the Kamar Parent Portal to keep an eye on your account - it provides the best view of your payments and any outstanding charges, and is an easy way to make payments. We email an invoice /statement to parents on a monthly basis.
If you have any questions about your College bill please contact our Finance team - [email protected] or phone the College Office.