Backed by robust sports science, ADP is a curriculum option for Years 9 and 10 that prepares and trains young athletes for the physical demands of sport.
Talented Year 8 athletes are invited to apply for the Athlete Development Programme (ADP). Students are timetabled for specialist ADP classes 4-5 times each fortnight, the course taking the place of a Tech/Arts option. Regular testing both motivates students and helps them to see improvement in their base athletic performance.
Young men experience their maximum growth rates between the ages of 12-16 but youth athletes also have a higher risk of injury during this same period. Developed in partnership with AUT's Sports Performance and Research Institute (SPRINZ), Our ADP programme teaches our athletes to train safely and learn the resistance training techniques that will optimise their performance. The programme maintains strong links with Wintec's Sports Science Department to keep up with the latest research science and techniques.
The College provides a specialist ADP Tutor for these classes. Mr Rohan Kandoi holds a MSc in Sport and Exercise Science with a concentration in Strength & Conditioning and Biomechanics. Rohan has worked across several high school programmes as a sport scientist in NZ and India. In recent years, he has been the Strength and Conditioning Coach at Midlands Hockey and Waikato Badminton. Rohan trains and prepares our top sports teams as well as operating his own studio.