MORE Marist

MORE - Motivated; Organised; Respectful: Excellent

We are a MORE Marist School. We operate a merit programme that acknowledges and rewards students for the positive and substantial things they do at school. This system is cumulative throughout their entire time at SJC and is held in high regard by all. The general thrust is to recognize continuous or exceptionally high standards of behaviour, academic, sporting, artistic or cultural performance. Each Faculty has established their own guidelines to ensure consistency across their classes and to give some ownership. 

When merits are offered to students we record the reason on our student management system. This tracks progress for each student through the various levels of the scheme. 

  • Students who consistently behave well and learn well are acknowledged
  • Students  learn positive habits and attitudes that will bring them successful results
  • Teachers have positive relationships with students because they focus on learning, not behaviour

Our MORE Marist qualities link to our pillars:

  • Motivated  - Love of Work
  • Organised - Presence
  • Respectful -  In the way of Mary, Family Spirit, Simplicity
  • Excellence - In the way of Mary, Love of Work

We've outlined the positive qualities and behaviours we expect of our young men so they understand what being MORE  Marist actually looks like. Below are the posters that boys see around the school to remind them of the behaviours we expect.

More Marist Lge

More Marist Matrix